To reap any significant earnings from your enterprise, you need to plan your business spending and a budget is crucial to business success.
Before mapping out spending, it is important to start with a forecast of expected incomes. This can be in terms of sales revenues, consultancy fees etc. To develop your forecast, first look at your past business income history (for instance sales revenue of the last year). This gives you an indication of what you can reasonably expect in the next year in terms of income.
It is also vital to take to take into account the factors that influence how much money your enterprise makes. For instance, in a clothing store, sales of jerseys will not be as high in the hottest month of the year. In case you don't have such records, start today by recording your sales and expenditure daily. At the end of the month, use this to forecast your expenditures for the next month, and so on. This process also allows you to get a clearer picture of what products or services are popular amongst your clients.
After looking at projected income, you need to look at several factors in the process that culminates in the received income. This is where you take into account materials required for production and inventory levels. At this point, you also need to forecast your labour needs based on expected production and how much you are expected to pay them.
Don't forget to add important costs such as marketing, rent, and the cost of upgrading or purchasing new equipment. If you borrowed money to start up or expand your business, you also need to include this amount as income and outline how you intend to repay the debt as a projected expense.
You can now complete your budget in the form of a budgeted income statement which consolidates all revenue and expense estimates you have made. There are a large number of free budgeting tools online that can take you through the budgeting process.
Budgeting is vital because if one sticks to it, the looming threat of financial loss diminishes. Once you have a track record of sales and expenditures, you are better placed to know when the low seasons in your business occur and budgeting helps you, to take steps to sail through them relatively unscathed.